What does the role involve?
The Environmental Clerk of Works plays a vital part in the environmental compliance of any construction, development or engineering project. It is, however, the final stage in a compliance process which begins during the early design stages of the project. Construction Environmental Management is not constrained to the construction stage only.
But what does the role involve? An EnvCoW can be any discipline, but AECoW clarify:
‘An independent environmental or construction professional with direct responsibility for monitoring and reporting on compliance with planning consents, environmental permits, legislation and mitigation.’ AECoW
Being an EnvCoW means maintaining independence. The role requires a comprehensive knowledge of a variety of environmental aspects along with a skill set to match a site’s particular environmental sensitivities. Some projects may have Landscape Clerk of Works, or Heritage and Archaeology experts.
It is important also to distinguish an EnvCoW from an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW). The term ECoW is widely used in the industry and can often encompass a variety of intended roles and responsibilities. An ECoW provides on-site practical ecology support, whereas an EnvCoW focuses primarily on compliance. The AECoW has recently finalised its position on the role of an EnvCoW following consultation with CIEEM, IEMA, the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) and the Regulatory and Planning Working Group which can be viewed here.
Construction environmental management services at JBA
We have a broad based construction environmental compliance team providing not only EnvCoW and ECoW services to the public and private sector throughout the UK. Also tailored construction environmental management and compliance advice to our design and build joint ventures.
Our team of EA approved Environmental Clerk of Works are providing on-site supervision on multiple flood relief schemes throughout the north of England with sites ranging from pumping station refurbishment to flood embankments to in-channel control structures.
Email Dave Sargent for more information about our Construction and Environmental Management services including EnvCoW in its broadest remit.
Read more from Dave in his recent article published by CIEEM ‘In Practice’ and shared here with the kind permission of CIEEM. Click here.