We are proud to be supporting Brighton & Hove City Council, Shoreham Port and Adur District Council with the development of designs for new coastal defences and beach management plans. These new defences will replace ageing assets and provide protection from the future risks of sea level rise to over £200m of homes, businesses and critical infrastructure between Brighton Marina and the River Adur.
The scheme design includes the creation of Biodiversity Net Gain in the form of new areas of coastal vegetated shingle and a living sea wall, as well as improvements to social legacy by creating beach access points, public meeting spaces and development of a new cycle way and footpath around Shoreham Port.
The more traditional elements of the scheme include new seawalls, rock revetments, timber groynes and beach recharge. To reduce the carbon impacts of the project over 6000 tons of rock have been sourced as recycled surplus material from a coastal defence scheme in Kent, and repairs to existing defences are being implemented where outright replacement can be avoided to reduce emissions.

Construction on this project started in summer 2023, for more information please contact Graham Kenn.